Plantas Compactas
Wastewater treatment facilities for small and medium-scale urban applications
Our experience encompasses advanced facilities for wastewater treatment, waste management, odor control, air pollution, and water reuse.
We have significant experience in all facets of treating solid streams and wastewater streams, from conventional plants for organic removals to complex nutrient removal / resource recovery processes ranging from compliance evaluations to turnkey facility delivery. fully operational. We have also made numerous wastewater treatment plant design updates to meet new environmental requirements.
We offer a complete line of wastewater and sewage treatment equipment, either in standard or special configurations, covering a wide spectrum of possibilities.
Our solutions
We design and build wastewater treatment facilities for small and medium-scale urban and industrial applications.
Our technologies on compact plants include:
For secondary treatment:
muds activated,
anaerobic reactors,
MBBR, biofilters,
biological removal of nutrients.
Tertiary treatments / reuse:
tertiary filtration,
Bio Membrane Reactors (MBR) disinfection.